Monday, June 17, 2013


I saw the midnight opener ... First of all, if you've ever watched all of the other Superman shows, including the animated series, and movies they were always a lot of repetitive action and explosions. Aside from the product placement, the whole story of this movie is on point like the comic. There was some comedic relief, but the acting was absolutely decent. Come on, there are legendary actors we're all familiar with, and they did a damn good job in making sure that this movie is truly an accurate story of Superman.The action scene made the film even more great, if you ask me...
It kept me entertain the entire time and seeing how BadAss Superman was...
This movie should deserve AWESOMETACULAR in my opinion.that was the best movie i have seen in 2013 (my opinion) i can expect a hell lot of action in a superman movie, after all he is superman so he should have super action sequences
in my opinion there was not a single drawback in the movie. its a complete entertainer, met all my expectation  great story from birth of clark till his youth , great action sequences and Hans Zimmer rocked with the music, its kind of inspiring as always
i am crazily in love with this movie ...don't by into what critics are saying about this movie...go see it for yourself...have a productive and bless monday-Raymond

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